Practical Applications for Your Tensor Rings & Healing Tools

Increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables with tensor rings

Increase the Shelf Life of Fruits
and Vegetables

“My fruits and vegetables last probably twice as long now that I have a 3/4 cubit ring permanently placed in my refrigerator.”

~Paul, Texas

Water Structuring & Removing Water Pipe Scale and Mold

"I wanted to let you know I recently ordered rings to play with Structuring Water after reading "Dancing with Water".  I put them around kitchen & bath faucets for starters.  A little later that day I was amazed to notice the subtle moldy-metalic/smell-taste I was constantly experiencing over several hot summer weeks had disappeared!  I am thrilled with the taste of the water as well! " ~ GD, Colorado

Increase Razor Blade Life

Extend the life of your blade by two, three, four times, and more! Use a 3/8 cubit tensor ring to accommodate virtually any hand razor.  For those wishing to use this on an electric razor, we would recommend a 1/2 cubit tensor ring.

Energize Your Shower

Structure the water in your shower by placing a tensor ring around the shower head. Our body’s absorb several cups of water during showers and using a tensor ring eliminates harmful impurities and remineralizes the water to improve health and wellness for our cells.

Before Aura photo post using Super G tensor ring

Improve the Taste of Wine

“Yesterday I threw out a case of $300 a bottle wine.  Having just experienced what this ring will do to improve the taste and reduce acidity, I think I could have saved that case of wine. I wish I had known about this before!”

~Midwestern Newspaper Wine Critic

For Pets

Calms anxiety, provides pain relief, promotes healing and protects your pets from detrimental EMF radiation throughout the home.

After Aura photo post using Super G tensor ring

Chakra Balancing; Meditation Enhancement; Pain, Anxiety and PTSD Relief in minutes!

Check out these before and after Aura effects photos of sitting in the Super ‘G’ Galactic Genesa Generator only 10 minutes!